Friday, January 21, 2011

A Week at a Time: Jan 15-21, 2011

Last Saturday, we made our way down to the honkbal (i.e. baseball) fields so that Mr. Traveler could get fitted for his uniform. Before we even walked into the clubhouse/snackbar, I noticed the familiar Texas Rangers logo through the window. Of course, they also had pennants from many other MLB teams, but the Texas pennant stood out to me. 

Jan 15 - Texas Representing in Utrecht

Sunday, the weather was beautiful, and relatively warm, and Mr. Traveler and I took a long walk (with the camera) through a new area (for us). I love how Utrecht looks when the sun is shining.

Jan 16 - Abbey Railroad

On Monday, I ran a few errands. In the evening, I met Mr. Traveler at the train station to buy tickets for our Tuesday day trip.

Jan 17 - Utrecht Centraal

Tuesday, we headed to Wuppertal, Germany. You can read all about the trip in my blog entry Wuppertal Wanderings.

Jan 18 - German Shepherd in Germany
By the time that Wednesday came, I felt like it was Monday again, since we had a nice mid-week break (or at least I did, while Mr. Traveler was in his meeting in Wuppertal). I headed to the gym, and snapped this picture of the storm clouds which were causing a bit of unpredictable weather.

Jan 19 - Surprising Storm Clouds

On Thursday, I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and I walked to the center of town to do a little shopping.

Jan 20 - A Colorful Street

Finally, today, while I was jogging in the park, I spotted this sculpture in Wilhelmina Park that I hadn't noticed before.

Jan 21 - Triangles


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