Friday, February 18, 2011

A Day in the Sun

Today, as I look out at the gray sky, I almost can't believe how beautiful it was yesterday. I woke up a little later than normal, and the sun was already shining through the curtains.
The Sun!
Even with the sunlight, I was feeling a little blah (I think I had a bit of a stomach virus, but seem to be getting past it now). I thought maybe a nice long walk would help me come out of my funk, so I headed to Grift Park with my camera and book in tow.

On the way there, I passed this woman with her very old dog. She was using a walker and the dog was slowly crawling behind her. Every once in a while, she would turn and say, "Kom on", while she waited for the dog to catch up. They just seemed like such a perfect pair.
Perfect Pair
When I reached the park, I took a moment to walk around and explore the different parts; I liked how the park seemed to have a good mixture of natural and groomed spaces.
Statues in the Park
I settled on a park bench, opened my book, and began to read, looking up every once in a while to appreciate the beautiful day. The clear sky allowed for a glimpse of the Domtoren from the park.
Domtoren from the Park
The flowers that I saw sprouting everywhere reminded me that Spring is just around the corner.

A Sign of Spring?
 And, the sight of young and old playing in the park just gave me happy vibes.
Feeding the Birds
Days like yesterday remind me of why I miss the sun so much when it's hiding behind the wall of gray clouds. They also remind me, though, to stop and appreciate the little things, something I promised myself I would do while I was over here.

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